Military left overs in Myanmar - Vintage and classic motorcycle

I passed through Myanmar (formerly Burma) for work recently and came across this ex War Department Chevrolet truck. The truck is still looked after and is pressed in to use as a shuttle bus to take tourists between Thanwe Airport and a resort. There seems to be quite a few transportation remnants of the War floating around in Myanmar. I would love to spend some time there and discover more, must be some interesting bikes to be found!

Wartime Chevrolet truck. The Burma
AA badge is a nice touch.

The coach body seems to be a fairly
new addition and is really well
executed in hardwood. Great to see
that it still gives good service.

Another view of the front end of the Chevy.

A common sight in Myanmar is old wartime sand tracks put to use
as fencing. The Allies must have abandoned miles and miles of it
when they left.

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