Winter Rallies 2015 / 2016 season - Vintage and classic motorcycle

This is getting to be a tradition on a par with egg nog and brandy snaps, the RDM annual Winter Rallies listing. It's that time of year when the die-hard esoteric sphere of the biking world rig up their handlebar muffs, legshields and, in a few worthy instances, spiked tyres and head off into the cold. It's a ride incomprehensible to most but those who have embarked know the winter rally to be the noblest and finest of motorcycling experiences enriched by a keen spirit of camaraderie and strong alcohol. To the select band of winter ralliests I salute you.

As in previous years here's a list of established winter rallies, a couple I know to be good from personal experience, others I have heard good things about. There are only scant details about some of these rallies on the web, the word of mouth and pre-rally research is part of the fun. Get out there on to forums, etc and find out more for yourself. If you haven't been to a winter rally before perhaps head to one of the less hardcore ones first and getting chatting to the old hands to find out more about the extreme. One day I will rig up an outfit and maybe see you at the Primus...

Here's the disclaimer: this is just a list I've compiled to help out fellow enthusiasts, check out all the dates and details for yourself before heading off. Most events listed are ticket in advance only. Don't take winter riding lightly, prepare your bike properly, ride in decent kit and have a contingency.

If you get inspiration to attend an event from this page how about sending in some pictures.


Force Ten Rally. 8 to 10 January 2016, Warwickshire, UK. Mayflower MCC.

Wintertreffen Augustusburg. 9  January 2016. Schloss Augustusburg, Augustusburg,Germany. See also here.

Agnellotreffen. 15 to 17 January 2016. Pontechianale, Italy.

Hot Rod Rally. 22 to 24 January 2016. Holland. BSA OC.

Alteisentreiber. 28 to 31 January 2016. Austrian Alps.

Savalen Rally. 28 to 31 January 2016. Savalen Fjell Hotel, Savalen, Norway.

Elefantentreffen / Elefant Rally. 29 to 31 January 2016. Loh / Thurmansbang-Solla near Passau, Germany. The original Elefant Rally.

Kickstart Rally, 29 to 31 January 2016. Cirencester. UK. Ogri MCC

Fjord Rally. 2 to 5 February 2016. Jostedal Hotel, Jostedal, Norway.

Wild Boar. 5 to 7 February 2016. Cantabria, Spain. MC Piston

Altes Elefantentreffen. 12 to 14 Febraury 2016, Nurburgring Germany. Confusingly the'Old Elefant Rally' is in fact the upstart new Elefant Rally and held at the Nurburgring.

Dragon Rally. 13 & 14 February 2016, Wales. The British Elefant and a grand tradition. 

Krystall Rally. 24 to 28 February 2016, R�ros Hotel, R�ros, Norway. Just because it is in a hotel don't think that this is an easy option. Temperatures this time of year can drop to minus 20 degrees.

Primus Rally. Last weekend in February 2016, Velmunden near Bj�neroa, Norway.

Primus Borealis Rally. Mid February. Just South of the North Cape, Norway. Not sure if this one is still running but it merits inclusion by nature of being the most extreme. Both of the Primus Rallies are notoriously hard to find information about on the web.

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